Remembering Sr. Doreen Kawira Boore: A Beacon of Faith and Resilience


In the quiet corners of our hearts, we hold onto memories, cherishing the warmth they bring even as we grapple with the cold reality of loss. Today, we gather not just to mourn the passing of Sr. Doreen Kawira Boore, but to celebrate a life lived in service, in faith, and in love. Born on January 1st, 1981, in Kiangóndu Village, Tharaka Nithi County, Sr. Doreen’s journey was marked by a profound dedication to her faith and a commitment to making the world a better place.

A Life Rooted in Faith

From the moment she was baptized on July 25th, 1987, by Rev. Fr. Julius Kathure at Chuka Catholic Parish, Sr. Doreen’s life was deeply intertwined with her Catholic faith. Her journey through the sacraments—Confirmation under Rt. Rev. Silas Njiru on May 28th, 1993—served as a foundation for her lifelong devotion. Her faith was not just a part of her identity; it was the essence of her being, guiding her actions and shaping her character.

A Journey of Service

Her decision to join the Congregation of the Nazareth Sisters of the Annunciation on July 15th, 2003, was a testament to her commitment to serving others. Through her roles as an ECDE teacher and later in administrative positions within the congregation, Sr. Doreen touched countless lives with her kindness, patience, and unwavering dedication. Her transition from teaching to office work, driven by health considerations, did not dim her light but rather redirected her path towards new opportunities to serve.

A Legacy of Love and Resilience

Sr. Doreen’s legacy extends beyond the walls of the convent. To her family, she was a pillar of strength and a beacon of hope. Her resilience, hard work, and commitment were not just admired but emulated by those around her. Even in the face of adversity, Sr. Doreen remained steadfast, her spirit undeterred by the challenges life threw her way.

A Farewell to a Beloved Sister

On May 7th, 2024, the world lost a shining star. Sr. Doreen’s battle with health complications ended too soon, leaving behind a void that can only be filled by the memories of her laughter, her stories, and her unwavering faith. Her final days were spent in the care of those who loved her, her faith never wavering, even as her body fought its last battle.

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In Memory of Sr. Doreen Kawira Boore

As we bid farewell to Sr. Doreen, let us remember her not in sorrow, but in celebration of a life lived in service of others. Let her memory inspire us to carry forward her legacy of faith, resilience, and love. “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me,” (Jn. 14:1-3) were words that guided Sr. Doreen’s life, and they remain with us now as we say goodbye.

In the words of the eulogy, “Dear Sr. Doreen, may you live eternally in our everlasting home, Amen.” We echo these sentiments, knowing that her spirit continues to dwell among us, a reminder of the power of faith, the importance of service, and the enduring nature of love.

Rest in peace, Sr. Doreen Kawira Boore. Your light has left us, but it will forever shine in our hearts.

Eulogy – Sr. Doreen Eulogy – Sr. Mary Aloisia

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