Who We Are


We are a missionary Congregation, one of Religious Diocesan Right. Founded in the Diocese of Meru (Kenya), by the first Bishop of Meru, Rt. Rev. Lawrence Victor Bessone of the Consolata Missionaries. We were founded on 8th December 1955 (feast of the Immaculate Conception).


The first aim of our Congregation is the glory of God, and sanctification of the members, through the observance of evangelical councils. We enter and stay in the Congregation precisely for this, dedicating ourselves with supernatural joy, and with great generosity to the service of the Church.

The second aim is to serve the people of God by means of social apostolate particularly among women, youth, and children, in the footsteps of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

At the time of foundation (which was during the MAU MAU regime), the women shouldered most of the responsibilities in the families. Bishop Bessone was deeply moved by the hardships that they, and the children went through. 

So, listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit through persistent and insistence voices of six young women, who wished to give their lives to the service of God, he gave a start to our Congregation, with the mind of opening the Church in Meru (and beyond), to the dimension of religious apostolic life for women, so that they could reach out to the families and uplift the dignity of women, youth and children.

Our Spirituality and Motto

We embrace the spirit of the Holy Family of Nazareth of self- bandonment to the will of God at all times.
Our Congregation is placed under the protection of Our Lady of Nazareth in the mystery of the Annunciation. We thus consecrate to her our own being, and our works, taking for our motto her response to God “ecce ancilla domini” i.e. Behold
the handmaid of the Lord (Lk.1:38). We endeavour to emulate her promptness in the practice of charity and of the apostolates that we carry out.

We promote human dignity, and empower the poor and the vulnerable in the society, especially women, youth and children, through pastoral and social ministries.

  • Obedience.
  • Humility.
  • Fraternal charity.
  • Hospitality.
  • Respect.
  • Simplicity.
  • Honesty.
  • Prayer.
  • Faithfulness.
  • Team work.
  • Joy.
  • Excellence.

We endeavour to proclaim and witness God’s love to all people, in the spirit of Nazareth Family, for the glory of God and self-sanctification.



Rt. Rev. Lawrence Victor Bessone was a Consolata Missionary (born in Vigone in Italy), who became the first Bishop of Meru on 3 rd March 1954. A year after his consecration, he founded our Congregation, on 8 th December 1955.
His motto was “all for God’s glory” and called upon us (NSA) to live our life giving God glory in everything.
Some of his other sayings are:

  •  Remain joyful in the Lord.
  • Live a quality life (quantity is irrelevant without quality).
  • Keep cleanness, as it reflects the inner purity.